Drama, Art & Music

Role play for Molly Malone

"She was a fishmonger and sure was no wonder, for so were her father and mother before"

Selling cockles and muscles

"She died of a fever and no one could save her" (Not even Dylan!)

Role Play in the Healthy Eating Café

Answering the phone, taking orders, preparing, cooking and serving the  food - it's hard work!

Vegetable Printing 

We painted onto cut vegetables and printed them onto paper. They made for some very striking patterns and designs!

Leaf Relief Printing

After direct printing with vegetables, we tried the next type of printing - relief printing! This is where you place an object down and paint around it instead of onto it. We decided to use Autumn nature pieces for our relief printing - leaves, ash keys (helicopters) and acorn hats!

Leaf Rubbings

Finally we printed using the rubbing technique. This is where you place the object behind the paper and use a crayon to "rub" over it to create the print. We found this type of printing to be very effective in showing the veins in leaves. Yes leaves have veins just like us!

We have also been getting drama lessons from Ms. Walker and music lessons from Catherine. We absolutely love to see what they bring to their lessons. Ms. Nic Aoidh must remember to take some photos of us in these lessons the next time so that you can see the fun we have learning there :)
